Cayla Sandy
Cayla is a 17 year old from Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School. Cayla has worked very hard this academic year in both her academic and her extra curricular activities. Though part of the school year was conducted online, Cayla worked hard and achieved grades mostly 90’s and 80’s this year. She was selected to represent her school in the Durham Catholic District School Board’s Visual Art Exhibit for 2021. Cayla has achieved a number of awards this year;
She has also spent a significant amount of her time with Pathfinders a club that many churches support and similar to Scouts. This year Cayla commenced their Leadership in Training Program which she hopes to complete in the next two years. She has worked hard all year at a number of extra curricular activities and has achieved a number of awards.
- Certificate for First Aid Awareness 2021
- Pathfinders Teaching Diamond (Teaching classes in 2020-2021)
- Pathfinders Masters for Art 2020-2021
- Pathfinder of the Year
- Pathfinder Certificate of Excellence
- P.B.E (Pathfinder Bible Experience – Southeastern Conference, North American Division Champion – Second place)
Cayla’s hope is to graduate high school and enter university with a goal to completing a Bachelor of Arts. She is hoping that with an interest in art, photography and writing that it will either lead her to journalism or teaching. Congratulations Cayla on a successful year