Janyne Gianna Medes
Janyne is 17 years old and she is attending Senator O’Connor College School where she has recently completed Grade 11. She received all her credits for her courses which included Parenting, Religion, Leadership, English, Math and Environmental Science.
Janyne also completed an online Co-Op Placement in Phycology/Mental Therapy support where she earned 2 credits upon completion of her final examination with 85%.
In June this year, Janyne was 1 of 100 students in North York selected to receive the “Out of School Program (OSP) Learn and Work Bursary” for $1000. She also received a “Grade Level Expectation (GLE)” school credit from the Ministry of Education as she completed all her courses while facing various obstacles with the on-line schooling during COVID19.
This summer Janyne will be doing a Co-Op leadership placement with the Focus on Youth (FOY) Summer Program as a Camp Counsellor/Team Leader. The Focus on Youth summer program offers young people summer job experience while extending learning beyond the classroom. Upon completion of this program Janyne will earn 2 credits. She has also registered to do volunteer work for FOY this summer.
This past year, Janyne has also gained leadership and work experience while working at McDonald as a Casher and Order Taking Crew Member.
Janyne is looking forward to starting Grade 12 in September 2021. She will be pursuing Human Resources, Kinesiology, Photography, Broadcasting, Phycology, Mental Therapy, English and Family Studies.